The Sims 5 listed to release in 2021

100% a generic and photoshopped cover image and 100% not confirmed but I LIVE IN HOPE!

The Sims 5 has been listed on a gaming website and scheduled to release in 2021. 

At this stage it’s pretty normal that there would only be a listing and a ‘made up’ image so this is a good as it gets right now.

The Sims 4 is still an extremely ‘unfinished’ game but it certainly makes me super clear on what we need to see in The Sims 5. 

I have absolutely no doubt that The Sims 5 (or some kind of other Sims game) is being worked on given the ‘disappearance’ of some of the major Sim Guru’s a while back and also how long The Sims 4 has been around.

They certainly have some incredibly clear feedback from The Sims 4 to be able to launch a great game straight away with The Sims 5. They now know what NOT to do. 

Personally I am looking forward to an open world game with incredible gameplay, spontaneity and humour.

It’s sad to say but basically most disappointed Simmers who have had a bad experience with The Sims 4 just want The Sims 5 to be a game that launches with everything The Sims 4 should of either launched with or at least had by now.

It’s important that The Sims 5 launches using an engine that can support what they need to deliver and doesn’t lace them with limitations from the start like we have seen with The Sims 4.

I want to be wow-ed, I want to be excited, I want to be blown away but for now all we can do is wait and hope.

Roll on 2021!

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  1. justme2
    November 9, 2020 / 6:34 pm

    Unless it’s way late 2021, I think it’s premature. A lot of development may have been pushed back due to the current COVID pandemic, and there is a limit to what can be done at home with minimal consultation with others on the same team.

    Just my .02 Simoleons, of course…

  2. November 9, 2020 / 8:39 pm

    I like play Sims four and I like different characters and I like playing with my friends is the pool with Sam sister but I like playing among us and that’s it

  3. Seren
    November 9, 2020 / 10:09 pm

    Apparently Sims 5 is going to be like an online multiplayer thing, if it is then I don’t think it will be good, but if it is a regular Sims game then I think it could be good.

    • Michael
      November 11, 2020 / 12:26 pm

      I don’t know, remember when they tried that in the early 2000’s? Didn’t work out so well then. I’m not confident it will work out much better this time

      • Lyn
        November 14, 2020 / 11:43 pm

        Sims 4 was supposed to be an online game but they could not roll it out and they kept the same low grade engine used for online games and rolled it out as single player, that is why the engine was not powerful enough. Granted, they should have and could have used a stronger engine from the get go, but they did not.

    • Nikki
      November 11, 2020 / 3:04 pm

      I think it’ll be a choice thing….play online or don’t sort of thing.

  4. Victoria Harris
    November 9, 2020 / 10:31 pm

    Do they know if have to purchase the packs all over again those packs cost a lot of money on sims 4 to have to buy them all over again is a concern

    • November 10, 2020 / 12:44 pm

      I agree. I usually buy packs. I bought for Sims 2, Sims 3 and Sims 4. Cost too much money but it added to more activities to stay boredom and repetition.

  5. Gonzo_bird
    November 9, 2020 / 10:55 pm

    I will watch and see..i am highly ? 4 has no open worlds cuz I like 2 use the neiborhood I live in and spend alit of time looking at a load screen

    • Dani
      November 10, 2020 / 1:15 pm

      I hate that it’s not a open world. I feel like that’s the least they can do with 5. I’ll have to see I guess.

    • Jade
      November 11, 2020 / 10:47 pm

      If they don’t already you’d think they’d have people designated to seeing exactly what simmers want. I love the sims 4 and have spent lots of money on them so for them to not go that much further to I guess “reward” us with things that we want. And a Sims 5….come on just make the sims 4 better and give us what we want on there. Sometimes I do feel guilty spending my money on packs…because they’re expensive and don’t really go too far but I’ve been loyal to the sims so they need to do the same.

  6. November 10, 2020 / 12:40 pm

    Online or not, I’m in. Online I’m particularly interested in because it’s like a social n world where you can meet new people and hangout. I personally advocate this feature. I’ve often suggested this feature. My fiancee plays sims 4 with me and we often say how wonderful it would be if our avatars could date marry and have a family. Have a house where we both can live and children can live with us as a family.
    I think online version is great. The makers of the sims is catching up with the times. All will soon be online and if they don’t implicate it now they’ll miss out on some serious business. Give Second Life and IMVU a run for their money. And if online you don’t have to worry about CD. Just download the app and create your avatar and sign in. Think they should give every new player 5000 simoleons to get started. Fix up your avatar buy a house ? and find a job. Hopefully they have the cars, going to work, college and animals . Combination of sims 3 where they can drive, Sims 2 own your own business all integrated into sims 4. Wow. Perfection. Keeping my fingers crossed for that ?.

    • R.A. Black
      November 10, 2020 / 4:42 pm

      You are literally trying to turn a 20 year old gaming franchise into an online dating sim ?. Not one sims player want this to be like IMVU or Second Life. They need to have open world’s I agree. But to have it online will be a huge mistake. They tried that already which is why Sims 4 was a flip in the first place. It was originally going to be an online game. The community wants and needs the game to have more depth and to not be a shell that we have to constantly keep paying for expansion packs for in the hopes of getting some valuable game play, only to end up being disappointed in the end. If you want to play an o line sim game like IMVU then you can do that. A lot of us that grew up with this game still play it and we are in happy relationships or we just don’t want to be thrown into an online dating sim because that is what it would turn into and if Sims did that I think they will be signing the death warrant on their own game.

  7. Naomi James
    November 10, 2020 / 3:34 pm

    Finally. Ts4 is kinda terrible.

  8. ADNevels
    November 10, 2020 / 5:36 pm

    I just hope we still can get all the features and interactions without having to buy the expansion packs each time.

  9. MultiKayla
    November 11, 2020 / 1:02 pm

    Besides everything else mentioned I just hope they put a slider in make a sim mode to edit the heights of the sims! It’d be funny if there was a fantasy world with dragons and fairy’s where a Giant sim and a leprechaun fell in love…..watching them try to kiss would be hilarious ? lol

  10. Ang
    November 13, 2020 / 2:40 am

    This is false. 100% false. They have not said anything about a sims 5 release, and even when they did they still have a lot more to do with the sims 4. Maybe I’m 2025 well see it.

  11. November 13, 2020 / 1:21 pm

    Another pc games , how about android and iOS pls i love your games , i want to play sims 3 , sims 4 to my android phone but , its not working , its only PC sad 🙁

  12. November 13, 2020 / 1:23 pm

    I play the sims mobile and the sims free play to my phone its really cool ? , but I want to try the sims 3 and sims 4 , plss release the sims 3 , sims 4 , sims 5 to android and iOS , pls ??

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