How To Improve Cash Flow As A Business To Avoid Bankruptcy

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Cash flow is a big contributor to a company’s success and in order to avoid bankruptcy, it’s good to make sure your cash flow is good.


There are a number of influences that can affect your cash flow health. With that being said, if you’re struggling to manage your cash flow as a business, here are some tips that might help improve it and avoid bankruptcy.

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Manage any unpaid invoices for bad debts

Unpaid invoices are going to contribute towards the company’s debt. After all, if you’ve not got enough coming into the business as an income, then you’re going to find yourself in the red.


Managing unpaid invoices for bad debts is something that you should be mindful of. If there are clients who are a stickler for not paying invoices on time, then it’s worth putting processes in place for you to chase these as soon as they’re late.


For repeat offenders, you might want to put in agreements where the payment is made in advance or at least partly in advance.


Get professional services in place

Professional services are worth looking into if your cash flow problems are getting out of control. When it comes to velocity investments, it’s a great company for helping secure unpaid debt, especially in the case where invoices have not been paid.


Whether you’re a credit card company or you’re a small business with numerous clients who’ve not paid, seeking professional services will help manage your cash problems with ease. It’ll also help avoid having to deal with the customers themselves when they’re not paying up.

Vet your customer’s creditworthiness

In order to avoid the type of customers or clients that don’t pay or take a while to pay their debt back, it’s good to have a vetting system in place. Being able to vet your customer’s creditworthiness is useful because it can often highlight any potential problems with the customer or client. 


This can be useful before you accept a client onto your books or have them request your services. If they’re not a trustworthy client when it comes to finances, then it might be worth reconsidering them.

Cost your services accurately

Costing your services accurately is something to be mindful of. How you cost your services will be influential on how easy it’s going to be for customers and clients to pay for your services or products.


Try to cost your services competitively but also with your finances in mind. 

Offer easier ways to pay

Offering easier ways to pay is a great opportunity to help increase the likelihood of the customer paying on time or even earlier than planned. From financial payments spread over a certain amount of time to other methods of payment that give the customer multiple options, these are all useful ways to help speed up payments.


Improving cash flow is a must when it comes to your business, so use these tips to improve cash flow and avoid bankruptcy. 


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