With the pandemic progressing on as it is, our anxieties are higher than ever. These 5 Meditations to relieve your pandemic anxiety.
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Meditation is a time to take for yourself. A time to bring yourself back to the present moment, sit in silence, and just do nothing.
As we wave goodbye to 2020 and embrace 2021 we should make a pledge to ourselves to prioritize our needs and look after our inner beings.
Anxiety and stress can creep up on us and have a profound effect on our mind, body, and spirit.
Meditation is great for recentering ourselves and bringing us back to the present moment.
You don’t have to be good at it or know what you’re doing. Just sit (or lie) still, breathe, and do your very best.
Don’t punish yourself if your mind wanders, just be grateful that you realized the noise in your mind. Bring yourself back to this moment.
Self-care like this such be as important and prioritized as brushing our teeth in the morning.
If you are a beginner or find it difficult to quiet your monkey mind it can be helpful to use guided meditations. All the meditations in this list are guided.
Meditations can be any length. You don’t have to allow an hour, 5 minutes will do just fine! Whatever time you can give will be beneficial to you. It doesn’t matter when or where you do it either (although please don’t do them whilst driving!), just allow yourself the time and prioritize your self-care.
Shorter meditations are great if you’re just getting started but if you do have the time I would urge you to try a longer one from time to time. As with yoga, the longer the practice the greater the ease of giving in to that moment and letting yourself go fully.
If you allow yourself this time to let go you will have breakthroughs in both mind and body.
Don’t beat yourself up if this doesn’t happen straight away. It will happen when it’s meant to happen.
While we may feel like we have lost our sense of freedom in many ways due to restricted travel and having to stay at home for the safety of both ourselves and others, we can regain that freedom in other ways and let our inner beings grow and soar to places they have never been before. This is our opportunity to go inside and to realize what we have allowed to affect us in our waking lives in this time away from our normal day-to-day experiences.
There are general meditations and there are also some with more of a topic so if you do have something specific in mind that you’re trying to manifest this year (moving house?) or working to clear (stress at work?) you can search for a guided meditation to help with that topic.
If you enjoy the five meditations I’ve shown below be sure to check out their individual channels on their platforms as they each have much more available so if one sits well with you it might be beneficial to stick with them on your journey.
Here are 5 Meditations to relieve your pandemic anxiety to either get you started on your journey or to add to your list.
Boho Beautiful is my favourite channel for all things Yoga and meditation. They are currently running a free 14 day series and this is the first meditation in that series.
You are Creators is one of the best Law of Attraction resource channels out there!
Headspace has some great meditation on their YouTube channel, app, and even Netflix!
A reminder to let go of it all even for just 20 minutes.
10 minutes to release all negative energy and worries.
I hope you find this short list of meditations useful. If you have any meditations you would recommend please let me know in the comments, I’d love to try them!